Past Events

Jan. 10, 2024
Team and Committee Meeting
Jan. 17, 2024
Join us for the official launch event of the Hispanic/Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (H/LBH CoE). As part of this virtual event, the center's team will be present to […]
Jan. 25, 2024
The H/LBHCoE has teamed up with the Pew Hispanic Research Center to conduct a virtual training on the diversity and behavioral health needs of Latinos in the US. Presenters will […]
Jan. 31, 2024
Mentoring relationships play a pivotal role in cultivating the personal and professional development of behavioral health professionals. In the context of cultural nuances and diverse backgrounds, mentors provide a vital […]
Feb. 15, 2024
In this presentation, participants will explore the intricate landscape of teenage dating violence within Hispanic and Latine communities. Attendees will uncover the cultural nuances that influence relationship dynamics, including traditional […]
Feb. 26, 2024
As part of this Care-to-Share NC Network hybrid event presenters will discuss integration of methods of community-engaged scholarship with the field of Developmental Science. Participants will discuss the opportunities of this integration, […]
Feb. 27, 2024
In collaboration with Central East (HH Region 3) ATTC  This training will explore the development of disparities in the US and their impacts on marginalized and racialized communities. Utilizing a […]
Mar. 08, 2024
As part of this presentation, aspects related to the prevention, evaluation, and intervention of suicidal behaviors in Hispanic and Latine populations are addressed and defined, with special attention to cultural […]
Mar. 14, 2024
Two groups of 25 Hispanic/Latine college students will participate in listening sessions designed to provide orientation on 988 services. These sessions will facilitate discussions and address inquiries related to the scope […]
Mar. 14, 2024
It is widely documented that Latinas are underrepresented in leadership positions. Latinas face the challenges attached to being a woman and being a woman from a minoritized group. Latinas are […]
Mar. 21, 2024
The hybrid conference, "Salud Para Todos: Latino Health Equity," will be held the University of Houston, University Conference facility. The purpose of the summit is to provide information to stakeholders […]
Mar. 21, 2024
Two groups of 25 Hispanic/Latine college students will participate in listening sessions designed to provide orientation on 988 services. These sessions will facilitate discussions and address inquiries related to the […]
Mar. 25, 2024
Training to increase awareness and abilities of mental health care providers in their use of cultural elements by promoting the use of culturally appropriate formulations when treating Hispanic/Latine patients with […]
Apr. 05, 2024
About 27% (2.4 million) of Hispanic/Latine young adults aged 18-25 meet the criteria for a substance use, alcohol use, or drug use disorder, this demographic also being the most likely […]
Apr. 12, 2024
Traditional models address substance use and mental health disorders through an acute care approach. Such an approach is inconsistent with the literature that recognizes SUD as a chronic disease and […]
Apr. 14, 2024
Leadership practices applicable within academic organizations that serve students in social work and behavioral health. This training will be offered to a group of deans and directors from Social Work […]
Apr. 17, 2024
Presentation: Culturally Grounded Leadership: Advancing DEIJ Frameworks in Social Work Education (April 17th) @ the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work (NADD) 2024 Spring Conference.  Learning […]
Apr. 22, 2024
Closed Event | In-Person Summit In collaboration with ATTC NCO; Peer Recovery CoE; NeCa; ORN  Location: Ponce Hilton, Puerto Rico As part of the Latine Collaborative, its members and participants […]
Apr. 24, 2024
Closed Event | Ponce, Puerto Rico  As part of this this two-hour listening session, individuals who provide health and social services, representatives from community-based organizations, and individuals with lived and […]
Apr. 25, 2024
This event is the second of a series of CLAS webinars presented in collaboration with the Central East (Region 3) Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC). It will explore the development […]
May. 01, 2024
Key components of the Grantee Meeting include sharing goals, challenges, and successes so far in 988 implementation, as well as the opportunity to evaluate and identify strategies to continue to […]
May. 22, 2024
While motherhood is culturally perceived as a ‘happy’ period in life, there are several mental health conditions that may present during pregnancy and postpartum. These are identified under the term […]
May. 29, 2024
Entre colegas... Dialogues between Behavioral Health Providers of Latines 50 spaces available.  Do you provide behavioral health services to Latine populations as part of a community-based organization? Participating in these […]
Jun. 11, 2024
Application period closed. A behavioral health leadership and empowerment academy for service providers.
Jun. 17, 2024
The Latine LGBTQ+ community encompasses a diverse range of identities, experiences, and cultures. Concurrently, Latine LGBTQ+ individuals often face intersectional discrimination related to their ethnic, gender, and sexual identities, resulting […]
Jun. 20, 2024
Closed event. Through a collaboration with the University of Puerto Rico, the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, and the Universidad Central del Caribe, this 10-days cultural immersion study program will […]
Jun. 25, 2024
  This training will explore the development of disparities in the US and their impacts on marginalized and racialized communities. Utilizing a social justice framework the  participants will learn about building health equity, cultural […]
Jul. 10, 2024
This training offers behavioral health providers an understating of the interplay between culture and mental health within Hispanic and Latine communities. It underscores the significance of understanding the historical, political, and traumatic […]
Jul. 12, 2024
Youth gang involvement is a serious public health concern with significant implications for the youth involved. The National Gang Center estimates that about one third of gang members are adolescents […]
Jul. 23, 2024
The presentation aims to equip participants with a deep understanding of the structural barriers impacting substance use disorder care services within Hispanic/Latine communities. It focuses on discussing effective models, programs, […]
Jul. 24, 2024
Entre colegas... Dialogues between Behavioral Health Providers of Latines Do you provide behavioral health services to Latine populations as part of a community-based organization? Participating in these dialogues gives you […]
Jul. 29, 2024
The aim of this presentation is to outline interpersonal factors that exacerbate and mitigate risk for mental health problems among Latine immigrants, particularly asylum seekers from Central America. Data from […]
Aug. 19, 2024
The Hispanic/Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (COE) is pleased to be collaborating with the Southeast MHTTC who will be hosting this event. Culture is an enduring element, a tradition […]
Aug. 27, 2024
This event is the last session of a series of CLAS webinars hosted by the the Central East ATTC in collaboration with the Hispanic Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. […]