Sustained Recovery Management for Substance Use & Mental Health Disorders in Latine Communities - Webinar in collaboration with El Futuro

April 12 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Traditional models address substance use and mental health disorders through an acute care approach. Such an approach is inconsistent with the literature that recognizes SUD as a chronic disease and are in poor alignment with the cultural values of Latino populations. Recovery approaches and sustained recovery management propose a partnership with individuals, families and communities that resonate with the values of racialized and marginalized communities such as Latino communities. This model recognizes the multiple variables that contribute to behavioral health including historical trauma and propose a proactive, hope-based approach that considers traditional beliefs, cultural metaphors, multiple pathways to recovery, cultural recovery support systems and a collective view of recovery. This webinar will address the guiding principles of recovery from substance use and mental health disorders. The webinar will center on multiple pathways to recovery. The presenter will discuss how a sustained recovery management approach is viable and consistent with Latino communities and will provide recommendations for professionals working with Latinos with behavioral health challenges. 


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