Structural Barriers in Substance Use Disorders Care among Hispanic/Latine Populations: Means, Strategies and Resources to Improve Access and Services

July 23 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

The presentation aims to equip participants with a deep understanding of the structural barriers impacting substance use disorder care services within Hispanic/Latine communities. It focuses on discussing effective models, programs, and resources that enhance accessibility and responsiveness of care, tailored to Hispanic/Latine cultural contexts. Participants will also learn strategies and recommendations for developing and implementing advocacy initiatives, fostering connections to community-based supports. Ultimately, the presentation aims to empower attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to improve outcomes and support systems for Hispanics/Latine affected by substance use disorders.


  • Identify major sources of trauma exposure in Latine asylum seekers
  • Understand significant health disparity in the area of posttraumatic stress facing Latine asylum seekers of all ages
  • Elaborate several interpersonal factors including attachment, familismo, and belonging that shape mental health risk
  • Leverage interpersonal factors in clinical practice with trauma exposed asylum seekers

Resource: Hector Colón-Rivera, MD, MBA, MRO



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